Monday, July 16, 2007

Poor Little Miss Sunshine...

The choreographer for America's Junior Miss national finals has been arrested for allegedly having sex with underage girls. He allegedly drugged them with Ecstacy and had sex with the girls on several different occasions. One 16 year old came forward and gave names of other alleged victims. The accused, Georgio Fagan, has been the choreography for Junior Miss for the last six years.

After being arrested on Friday, he showed up to work today. His dance studio is open for business and parents that refuse to believe the allegations are dropping their children off. Parents and those close to Fagan are slamming internet message boards claiming the accusers are merely angry young girls.

The polarization of issues like this are bizarre to watch. You've got two sides of guilty-until-innocent in cases like these: One ready to throw the book at the accused and another set ready to discredit the accusers at any chance. And the dialogue is rarely conducive.